
PiSolMan is a highly integrated electronic module designed to continuously power the Raspberry Pi Zero from a 12 V battery and a solar panel. It is also capable of providing key information in terms of current, voltage, power and overall power efficiency. Intended to be as efficient as possible, the module implements highly sophisticated integrated circuits in order to achieve an overall efficiency of up to 90%. Its compact size makes it ideal for space sensitive applications with the Raspberry Pi.

In almost every battery operated system it is essential to monitor energy consumption at all times. PiSolMan turns out to be a perfect choice when implementing solar powered projects with the Raspberry Pi. The variety of application where it could be used is endless. It is only limited by your imagination.

How could you use PiSolMan

PiSolMan can be a very useful module to implement solar powered applications with your Raspberry Pi. Without precise information about the battery state, many times the system runs out of power without previous notice, often when most needed. However, having constant information about the battery state, power consumption, or even charger efficiency you can manage the system in such a way that power is saved when possible and used when most needed.

Powering Raspberry Pi Wireless Camera

Wireless Camera applications are very demanding in terms of energy. Although the Raspberry Pi Zero energy consumption is relatively small, when adding the Pi Camera module and a wireless modem (3G/4G or WiFi) the situation changes drastically. PiSolMan is capable of powering such a system from solar energy while continuously monitoring and optimising the energy consumption.

Powering Raspberry Pi Weather Station

A weather station in itself does not consumes too much power. However, if a Wi-Fi or 3G module is needed, the majority of the power is consumed by these devices. With a simple script running on the Raspberry, the connection could be disconnected and used only when needed based on the power level information provided by PiSolMan.


Web interface for monitoring and configuration


Compatible with Li-ion and Lead-Acid batteries


If you are interested in having more details regarding PiSolMan, please do not hesitate to contact us.